How to Import Magic Eden Wallet into Xverse?

 Import ME wallet into Xverse.jpg

Key Differences

Xverse and Magic Eden wallets manage Bitcoin and other digital assets (Ordinals, Runes, BRC-20 tokens) using similar address types. Both wallets follow the hierarchical deterministic wallet schema:

m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index

However, there are key differences to be aware of when importing your wallet.

Xverse Wallet:

  • Supports Native Segwit, Nested Segwit and Taproot derivation paths.
  • address_index changes for every Xverse account.

Magic Eden Wallet:

  • Supports Native Segwit and Taproot derivation paths.
  • account' changes for every account in Magic Eden wallet.

For more information, please refer to our article: Understanding Derivation Paths and Xverse Wallet Compatibility.

Importing Your Wallet

When importing wallets from Magic Eden to Xverse, you may only see your first account, as additional accounts may not appear due to differences in derivation paths. We recommend creating a new Xverse wallet and transferring your assets from Magic Eden to Xverse directly.

For any further assistance, feel free to contact our support team.